Puberty is a time when a child experiences growth into adulthood. Puberty usually occurs at age 11 years in girls and 12 years in boys. But premature puberty can also occur in children, this phenomenon is often known as early puberty.
Precocious puberty or early puberty usually occurs earlier than the average age, between 7-8 years in girls and 9 years in boys. This early puberty causes a number of physical, psychological, and behavioral changes in the child.
Causes of Puberty Before Time
Precocious puberty in children can be caused by the following things:Gender
Girls are 10 times more likely to experience puberty prematurely than boys.
Research reveals obesity in children is thought to result in premature puberty, especially in girls. High body mass index (BMI) in obese children causes an increase in the hormone leptin. This hormone is thought to trigger the development of puberty more quickly. However, further research is needed to support this statement.
Exposure to chemicals
Exposure to chemicals in the environment is thought to have a role in premature puberty in children. DDT, PCB, phthalate, and bisphenol A are some of the substances that are thought to interfere with the production, activity, and elimination of natural hormones in the body that are responsible for development, behavior, fertility, and metabolism. However, the effects of environmental chemicals during puberty are still unclear and require further research.
Stress and depression
According to research, physical or emotional stress in childhood, such as low birth weight, mother having illness during pregnancy, or the absence of a father figure, is thought to play a role in the development of premature puberty. In addition, some studies suspect that depressed parents can be a risk factor or cause premature puberty in their children.
Although rare, premature puberty can also be caused by diseases, such as tumors, disabilities, injuries, and radiation in the brain or spine.
Addressing Puberty Before Time
The most common sign of puberty in girls is breast development and menstruation. Whereas in boys, there will be an increase in the size of the penis and testicles, and the sound becomes heavier. Although puberty is a common experience for all people, in some children who experience puberty prematurely, this can pose a number of physical, emotional, and psychological challenges. Early puberty in girls tends to have a higher risk of depression, eating disorders, and sometimes causes mood swings in the presence of friends. Meanwhile, early puberty in boys tends to make them more aggressive, so that not a few of them have problems with boys of the same age. Early puberty can also cause children to have difficulty concentrating and studying in school. The role of parents is very important in the puberty of children, especially early puberty. Here are some ways parents can do to respond to early puberty:Keep open communication about puberty in children
It is very important to maintain the quality of communication between parents and children. Parents can give a simple and positive explanation that puberty is normal.
Prioritize two-way communication styles related positively to early puberty
Not only at home, you can invite your child to chat while shopping or traveling outside together with him.
Provide books or information with an understanding of puberty
If your child is shy or closes down, you can put a book about puberty in his room.
Take the child to the doctor
So that he was given the right information and understanding when entering puberty prematurely.
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