Many people experience mental health disorders due to various life problems. If not treated immediately, this condition risks developing mental illness. Many types of mental illness, ranging from drug addiction, to personality disorders.
Mental illness is a mental disorder that affects mood, mindset, and general behavior. Someone called experiencing mental illness, if the symptoms and signs of mental disorders experienced makes it depressed and unable to carry out normal daily activities.
The characteristics of people who have mental illness can vary depending on the type. But in general, people who experience mental disorders can be identified from certain symptoms, such as a very drastic mood change from very sad to very happy or vice versa, feeling excessive fear, withdrawing from social life, often feeling very angry to like to do violence, and experiencing delusional. Sometimes, these symptoms are also accompanied by physical disorders, such as headaches, back pain, stomachaches, or other unexplained pain.
Causes of Mental Illness
The cause of mental illness is often unknown. Mental illness can be motivated by a variety of things. Generally caused by genetic factors, environmental factors, or a combination of various factors, including:- Natural chemical compounds in the brain called neurotransmitters function to carry messages to the body and brain. These changes in chemical reactions can affect the mood and various aspects of mental health.
- Having a blood family with a history of mental illness. Certain genes can increase a person's risk of experiencing mental illness. Its appearance can be triggered by life problems experienced by people with mental illness.
- Exposure to viruses, poisons, intoxicants, and drugs while in the womb can be associated with causes of mental illness.
- Have experienced traumatic events, such as having been raped or been a victim of a natural disaster.
- Using illegal drugs.
- Live a stressful life, such as financial difficulties, divorce, or sadness due to family members who died.
- Experiencing chronic diseases, such as cancer.
- Have brain damage.
- Have little or no friends, and feel alone.
- Never experienced mental illness before.
Then what can be categorized as a mental illness?
There are many health conditions that can be categorized as mental illness. Each group can be subdivided into more specific types. Here are some conditions that often occur:Anxiety disorders
Someone who experiences anxiety disorders responds to certain objects or situations with feelings of fear, panic, sweating, and heart rate becoming faster. It is called a disturbance if they cannot control the symptoms and are already disturbing their daily lives. Anxiety disorders can also be phobias of certain situations, social anxiety disorders, or panic disorders. Some people also have phobias about specific things, such as phobias of blood, water (drowning), and height phobias.
Personality Disorders
Those who experience personality disorders generally have extreme and rigid characters that tend to be incompatible with social habits, such as antisocial or paranoid.
Affective or mood disorders
People who experience mood disorders can continue to feel sad, feel too happy for a certain period, or have feelings of very happy and very sad that alternately fluctuate. The most common forms of this condition are bipolar disorder, depression, and cyclomytic disorders, in which there is a change in mood from happy to sad but in mild levels.
Impaired inability to control desire
People with this disorder can not resist the urge from within him to do things that actually endanger yourself or others. Mental disorders included in this group include kleptomania (the urge to steal small items), piromania (likes to ignite a fire), alcoholism and drugs.
Psychosis disorders
This disorder confuses the human mind and consciousness. Hallucinations and delusions are the two most common symptoms of this condition. People who experience hallucinations feel seeing or hearing sounds that are not actually real. While delusions are not true things that are believed by sufferers to be true, for example chasing delusions, where sufferers feel followed by someone. The best known example of a psychotic disorder is schizophrenia.
Eating disorders
Sufferers experience changes in behavior, habits, and emotions related to weight and food. The most common example of this disorder is anorexia nervosa, where the patient does not want to eat and has an abnormal fear of weight gain. Another example is bulimia nervosa, where sufferers overeat and vomit on purpose. There are also binge-eating conditions or conditions when a person eats continuously in large quantities and feels unable to stop, but is not accompanied by vomiting food again.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
OCD sufferer's mind is constantly filled with fear or disturbing thoughts called obsessive. This condition makes them perform a 'ritual' repeatedly, which is called compulsive. Examples are people who continually wash their hands for excessive fear of germs.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Is a mental disorder that occurs after a person experiences a traumatic event, such as the death of a loved family member suddenly, sexual harassment, or natural disasters.
Stress response syndrome or adjustment disorder
That is when a person becomes emotional and experiences changes in behavior after being under conditions under pressure, such as conditions of crisis, divorce, natural disasters, loss of work.
Dissociative Disorders
Sufferers experience severe disturbances in identity, memory, and awareness of themselves and their environment. This disorder is often known as multiple personalities.
Sexual and gender disorders
Disorders that affect sexual arousal and behavior, such as paraphilia and gender identity disorders.
Somatoform disorders
Experiencing pain or pain in his limbs, even though the doctor did not find any medical disorders.
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